Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Psalm 89:1
I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations.

Five days after Briley FAITH was born, I wrote a song.  We all have different ways the Lord uses to heal the heart.  Mine is writing.  Anything written or any way God uses me is (as someone once told me), for my joy and His glory.

Since birth, Briley’s story has been singing loud and clear.  It’s the song of the redeemed; a never ending song.  Many lives have been changed since I first pinned “Briley’s Song”, including my own.  So much so, that today I decided to revisit it.  While reading, my heart and mind began to focus on God’s faithfulness through this whole journey.  Words changed as my life has.  I’ve changed…and so has my song.  I am redeemed and have a song to sing!  God, You Are Faithful!

(Briley’s Song)

An unexpected turn
From a normal day
Takes me to a place unknown
I open my eyes to see
Your arms holding me
I already know I am not alone

So I’m not at all afraid
Of this strange place
Cause it’s not a mystery to You
Your love will keep me warm
Your strength will make me stand
Your faithfulness goes beyond the ways of man!

God, You are faithful
No matter what comes my way
So I will be thankful
And trust Your plan for today

I know all my days You hold
So I will walk as Your plan unfolds
And be thankful
Cause’ God, You are faithful

I’ll praise You through this pain
And keep my hands raised
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings
I will lift Your name on high
Though on my knees I cry
Your faithfulness gives me a song to sing

This is nothing new to You
It’s just new to me
A pain I’ve never felt before
Glancing on days gone by
I’m reminded You’re by my side
Whispering sweet peace in the midst of my storm!


It was You who brought me here
So I must have a song to sing
To tell the whole world You love faithfully!


Kathy J Fogarty/Copyright 2012 Crimson Rose Publishing/BMI
Revised 11/28/2012

Heavenly Father,

When I am faithless, You are still faithful!  You are worthy to be praised to all generations! 
Help me to remember that no matter how tough life gets, it’s not too hard for You!  Help me to remember even though the storm rages, You speak peace! 

In this dark world, on October 11, 2012 You sent us Briley FAITH; a little light that shines so bright!  She has become a reminder to me and many others of Your faithfulness!  This little light has shone on the urgency of Your message; to tell the world of Your great love!  Thank You, for this reminder…may we never forget.

Forgive me Father of all of my sinful ways.  Thank You for Your faithfulness!

In Your name I pray.  AMEN!

If you would like to know Jesus Christ, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at and I will be glad to share the story.  It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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