Monday, November 5, 2012


Have you ever thought, "What's at the end of a rainbow?  Why can't I ever see the very end?"  I did.  This morning after my "quiet time" and a cup of coffee.  I go to my "images of rainbows" file catalogued in my mind.  Nope.  Can't see the end in that one.  Where is it?  Flipping through the file not one picture shows the end of the rainbow!  Thinking my mind's file of rainbow images might have been tampered with by my old age, I go to Google search on my computer.  Yep, I was right!  I guess no one has ever seen...

2 Corinthians 4:17-18

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,
as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are UNSEEN. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

The rainbow's end rests behind the clouds, in a distance beyond the waves of a raging sea, and hidden by a wilderness of trees. 

But God... the fulfiller of promises, the rainbow's maker tells us that our worries, our pain, our suffering is temporary.  Even in the afflictions He gives us a glimpse of His glory in the parts of "life's rainbows" we can see.  The vibrant colors push through our clouds!  The waves of life's stormy sea aren't too big to cover up God's promises!  And while walking in the wilderness He gives us treasures along the way!

Heavenly Father,

Creator and master!  The stars, the moon, the sun, the rainbows...You created all!  The world, man, woman, Briley Faith - You created!  You gave form and purpose for it all!   We praise You for sharing Your beautiful creation with us! 

So, since You are the creator, since You know the intricate details of all, there is no need for us to trust anything or anyone else to fix our brokenness.  Only You.   You are the One who knows the unseen.  Our trust is in You!  Please fix Briley.

She is Your precious creation that needs perfect lungs, that needs muscle movement, that needs to be able to swallow and digest, that needs to breathe all on her own.  Please fix her.  Creator, Master, Jehovah Rapha, please fix her.

We can't see beyond today so we thank You for the glimpses of glory in Your promises we do see and trust You with the unseen. 

Walking through the clouds, fighting the waves and wandering in the wilderness,  I come to You once again through the blood of Your son, Jesus Christ, asking forgiveness and seeking Your promises.

In Your holy name I pray, AMEN!

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