Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hebrews 13:6
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Yesterday, November 14, 2012, Briley FAITH’s mommy and daddy met with the “end of life/transition” doctors.  These doctors explained the process, what was available to them and asked if there was anything they would like to do with Briley prior…I can’t even say it.  Anyway, Crystal said, “I would like to take her on vacation with us.”  Then Josh, “Take her hunting with me.”  They knew the doctors were referring to pictures, etc.   But, those are thoughts we all have.  What about tomorrow?

Today, yesterday’s tomorrow, November 15, 2012.  My eyes open to the welcome of the sunshine peeking through my window.  As usual, I immediately look at my cell phone to see if I received a notification of an update from Crystal.  An update with mixed emotions, prayer and praise, tears and joy.  The reason I love reading the update is because there is strength behind every word.  Do you ever find yourself getting more from them than you give?  I do.  

Rubbing my eyes, I roll out of bed and head to the kitchen for the coffee my husband so kindly has ready for me most every morning. My coffee mugs reside in the cabinet above the coffee pot.  I reach in for one that has rested next to me many times as I think about the yesterdays.  This particular coffee mug was a gift from my son, Josh, Briley’s daddy.  On the front there is a picture of me and Josh enjoying a cup of coffee together at Starbucks.  The message he put on it reads, “Thank God for memories.  Luv u”.  Each time I drink from this mug it takes me back to our first cups of coffee together along with a fried apricot pie from Kirby Restaurant in Kirby, Arkansas.  Today’s yesterday.  Me, too, son.  I too, thank God.

I open my Bible.  God’s word, my path, my light.  I ponder the thought of memories and think, but, “What about tomorrow?”  What will tomorrow’s coffee mug say?  What is God speaking today for today, for right now? 

Today is day 320 in my One Year Bible reading.  Words lift off the pages and enter my soul.  Like ointment that soothes a wound, a kiss from mommy on a skinned knee, daddy’s band aid, refuge.  Through my tears I read Hebrews chapter 13.  It is there God promises He's my yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Although He is speaking to me His truth, His assurance, my heart still whispers, “Thank You, God for yesterday and today, but, truly, what about tomorrow?”

In my car, I’m running already, an errand to make.  The radio is on but my thoughts are louder.  What about tomorrow?  Today hurts.  Will I be looking back tomorrow at yesterday in joy?  So hard to see right now.  Where are You, God?  Where is Your glory we all have been praying for?  Is it after the vent is removed from our angel?  Where is Your glory????  Right then, right in front of me, at that instant, at that moment, God gives me a suddenly.  The red bird.  Some call it a cardinal.  I call it a reminder.  A reminder of who God is.  There You are, I see You, God.

Back on track.  I now can hear the words of the song on the radio.  They fall on my ears as another reminder.  Reminding me of the many yesterday’s I have experienced God’s promises.  It is a song called, “All Things Possible” (a link to the song is attached).  Yes!  I can still trust You with tomorrow because You took care of me yesterday!  You are taking care of me right now, today!  You are taking care of Briley FAITH!

Back at home, my peaceful cocoon, God lives here.  I return to the update, strength.  Post after post from our facebook family with words that shout to “Press on!” and that again, “ALL things are possible!”  Yes they are... anything is possible.  We may change and our circumstances may change, but, God never changes!  He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!  He still performs miracles!  It can happen!  I raise my hand.  Right here!  Right here, Lord!  For Briley FAITH!  Today?  Oh, how I want to have tomorrows with her!

But, if the Lord decides that He wants Briley with Him, we can rest in knowing one day, the day of no tomorrows, we will be together again.  It will be one long, long, day of continual praise!

So, I write to you.  Maybe, Briley’s voice, in a way…  What about your tomorrow?  Do you have the assurance of a tomorrow like Briley does, like I do, like all those who know Christ as Savior do?  Do you have the promise of a tomorrow?  Can you say “thank you” to the memories you’ve made?  Is there more to do today that you didn’t get done know, what matters most?  What about your tomorrow?

None of us are promised our next breath.  There is no "end of life/transition" period.  None of us are promised another memory.  None of us are promised another stroll hand in hand with a loved one.  None of us are promised another update, another cup of coffee… But, there is a promise we can all have if Jesus is in your tomorrow.  Eternal life.  Eternal joy.  Where today never ends.

As you also can see with every update, with every visit at the hospital, in every prayer, Josh and Crystal make sure God is given all the glory.  With urgency, they want to make sure you know the One who holds tomorrow.  You see, Tuesday, October 11, 2012, they didn’t know tomorrow would be their today.  The expectations of that day changed, but God didn’t.  Having that assurance has and continues to get them through their tomorrows.  

Another deep breath.  Another silent prayer.  I’m going to enjoy today, my moments, making memories, standing on God’s promises.  I see You, God.  I know You, God.  No need for me to ask, “What about tomorrow?”

Please email me at if you are not sure about your tomorrow. 

Heavenly Father,

Forgive me for ever doubting Your joy.  Forgive me for closing my eyes to Your glory!  Thank You for Your grace I come through today!  Thank You for cleansing me of yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s sins!

All things ARE possible!  How that makes me smile!  Rejoice is my verb for today!!  You haven’t changed so why should I believe any less?  In You we trust!  The decision is Yours.  Whether Briley has the vent or not, the decision is Yours.  What comfort You give us knowing You deliver the very best!

Father, please pour out Your wisdom, peace and strength and let it rest upon Josh and Crystal.  Thank You for using Briley, Josh, Crystal and Jude to remind us all we belong to You.  The One who held us yesterday, who’s holding us today and will continue to hold us tomorrow. 

Thank You that one day all my today will be with You in glory!

In Your precious name I pray.  AMEN!

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