Thursday, November 22, 2012


Psalm 7:17
I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.

“Thankfulness is the precursor to healing.” were the words written by Author, Ann Voscamp in her book “One Thousand Gifts”.  My sister-in-law, Stace, introduced me to this wonderful book.  It was one she knew I would enjoy and she was right!  I checked it out from our public library about 2 weeks ago.  I didn’t get to finish reading it before I had to turn it in.  But, when I can, this is one book I will definitely purchase! 

Those six words are so true!  “Thankfulness is the precursor to healing.”  As you will see in Day 1 of this blog, the first thing God revealed to me in praying for healing is to PRAISE!  I have thanked the Lord, but, was I really praising Him in these circumstances?  Each time I walked into Briley FAITH’s room, did I walk in with praise and thankfulness?  Not at first.  Of course, I was very thankful God gave us Briley!  But, was I truly thankful for the circumstance? When I walked in her room, my view of thankfulness was blocked. What I saw were all the machines she was hooked up to and the pain in the faces of mommy and daddy.  But then…  But then…  Don’t you just love the “Aha” moments?  The epiphanies?   Thirty-five days ago I had one!!!  I shouted a song of praise in the pain!  Bless the Lord, oh, my soul….Praising God can lead to a cure!  That’s it!  A healing for Briley!!! 

As I continued to seek God and search His word, I realized each day of thankfulness was actually research for my cure.  An ointment to my underlying wounds.  Wounds no one would know were there unless they saw a tear.  Wounds that if not tended to could cause more damage; anger, bitterness, depression, loneliness…  I was the one who needed healing.  God has carried Briley since conception.  He has always had her in His healing hands.   What has happened is God is using her to heal me, to heal you.  To remind us that no matter the circumstance, no matter the ailment, in all things give thanks to our Lord and Savior!  The Healer!

Now, my drive to the hospital is happy!  The spring in my step is back!  The weight of the pain is lifted!  The wound is healed!  So, if you see me or Briley’s parents smiling more and crying less it is because of our thankfulness for what God has done!  He has never let us down; He just gave us a cure!

What is your sickness?  Are you in pain?  Is a loved one’s suffering causing you sadness?  Has bitterness taken over your thankfulness?  Is pride the illness preventing forgiveness?  Do the research and you will find your cure is also thankfulness.

Seek God and search His word that speaks only truth.  He sent His son, Jesus Christ, the only cure for our sins!  There’s no better time to start your research to recovery than today.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Heavenly Father,

Thank You that You sent salvation to us all through Your son, Jesus Christ!  By accepting that gift of salvation, not only do we gain eternal life, but we also have what comes with knowing You, Jehovah Rapha!  The cure for any illness whether physically or spiritually! 

Thank You that through Your word You showed me how to get my smile back.  It is hard not to smile anymore because of all You have done!  I have seen You more through this trial than any time in my life.  I think it is because I have realized I don’t have to know the “whys”, but, just to be thankful.  Forgive me that it took me so long to understand real thanksgiving.  So, today Father, I give You thanks for all the storms, all the pain, all the struggles I have ever had because each time it has brought me closer to You.

Thank You for what matters.  What matters is my relationship with You!  You have taught me how to love and what thankfulness is.  What matters is my relationship with my family and others!  Oh, how I love them all and pray it is my love for them and thankfulness they see.  What matters is my use of the time You have given me for my purpose!  Use me, Father, to the greatest!  The wounds are worth it all!

Thank You for giving us all Briley FAITH to help in our search for our own cure You knew we would need.

With a thankful heart and a big smile on my face, I come.  AMEN!

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