Isaiah 40:31
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Exodus 33:17-22
And the Lord said to Moses, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name.”
Moses said, “Please show me your glory. And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. But And the Lord said, “Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock, and while my glory passes by I will pout you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.Seated at 26F on the American Airlines flight back home, I look at the back of the seat in front of me. Words sewn in that I have read many times before. 'Fasten Seat Belt While Seated'
At first I think, "That's silly! How would I be able to get up with the seat belt fastened! Or even want to get up with the strap of a seat belt choking the belly I have inherited from my grandmother?" I know this is a belly curse that needs to be broken, but not that way...
I read it again...'Fasten Seat Belt While Seated'. I ponder this statement and attach it to my walk with God. Am I seated in God's presence? Letting Him have full control? Do I open the door to His knock but stand in the doorway? Am I REALLY trusting Him completely with our angel, our Briley FAITH? I still worry, wonder and ask questions. I let the facts of man choke me.
Sitting on the plane. Praying for Briley. Wanting to get back quickly. All is out of my control. Not like I ever had any control. I just sit. Snug safely in my seat wrapped in the "silver bullet", I look out the window and see the wings of the plane carressing the clouds while passing by. Reflecting on the Creator, the One in control. It reminds me of Moses snug in the cleft of the rock when God's glory passes by. I want that! I want that for Briley! Carressed by His healing presence safely in His arms! Show us Your glory, Lord!
It's God's turn in this flight of faith. Fasten your seat belts.
Heavenly Father, Your GLORY is beyond my imagination! Your wisdom is far greater than all minds put together! Your goodness is there for the taking! Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we receive it all!
Thank You for the many blessings You have shown us all as we are on this flight of faith! We praise You for the blessing of Briley's kidneys and bloodwork being normal! Thank You that we can trust in Your glory that will be revealed as Briley FAITH rests in the cleft of the rock! When there seems to be no hope...You are our hope that her lung will inflate to Your perfection! You are our hope her blood pressure will decrease to Your perfection! You are our hope she will breathe to Your perfection! You are our hope that instead her having of high levels of CO2 we will be shouting LOOK AT WHAT GOD CAN DO!
On this flight of faith with You as our captain, we will soar!
In His holy name, AMEN!
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