Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Have you ever been to the symphony or a band rehearsal hall while they were all tuning up? If you have you would have experienced orchestra chaos and band instrument mayhem! Nothing sounds right! The room is full of unruly musical notes bouncing off the walls! Broken noise! It is a train wreck of utter confusion! And then… the conductor steps upon the platform. There is a hush; a quiet reverence in the room, the instruments take their place… Tap, tap, tap comes the sound of the conductor’s baton. He lifts his arms to direct. A concert of unity and grace begins.
Sometimes our life plays a similar story…
Fear opens the door. Confusion and chaos meet us there. Then we are swept away into a day of decisions, doubts and disappointments. Loud, unsettling noise! Unanswered questions and prayers become a daily journal. All alone trying anything to find the answer but nothing makes sense. Hands over ears, “I can’t bear this anymore!" Now frantic, the way is lost.
There have been times in my life I have been in that “orchestra pit”. Playing my own tune became a valley I could not crawl out of. Nothing worked. Nothing made sense. Even now as I write there are things that can be a disappointment if I let it. But, I choose to not let it interrupt the flow of a peaceful melody. Throughout my journey I have realized when I allow the greatest Conductor of all, Jesus Christ to take over, there is a beautiful peace. No confusion. No loud noise. Life makes sense.
There was a pause at the beginning of life with Briley FAITH. It included questions, fear, brokenness, and sometimes stuff that didn’t sound right or make sense. In the midst of all the confusion instead of giving up hope, we waited in faith and listened. The Conductor would soon direct the path.
Right now you might be at a similar place of chaotic unknown. Don’t give up. Don't lose hope. You see, if you just wait, soon you will hear a tap, tap, tap; a knock at your heart’s door. Replace your fear with faith, open the door and look up. Then, like we did, you will find God in the pause; the Conductor in the hush. Watch for His direction and your concert of unity and grace will begin.
Briley FAITH’s life was a performance of God’s mercy and faithfulness as her mommy and daddy set an example for us all in continuing to follow the Conductor of Life.
In our brokenness, God used Briley FAITH to settle the unsettledness, calm the confusion and to bring peace in the pause. Those beautiful long fingers so gracefully played His story of forgiveness bringing unity to the world. A performance of a lifetime!
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the greatest display of Your mercy and grace when You sent Your son, Jesus Christ to die for all! His unselfish performance upon the cross gave me a lifetime with You!
All glory to You for Your faithfulness that even when I try to do life alone, You wait for me. Not in quietness, but, with a gentle knock until I finally open the door to Your greatness.
Thank You for a life of goodness and grace that comes as I follow You, Your direction.
I pray for Your peace to fall upon those souls who are in need and call upon You, the Answer, the Conductor of life.
In Your precious holy name I pray. AMEN!
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