Ephesians 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!
Not only is Daisy my grandmother’s name, it is also my favorite flower! This flower brings an instant smile to my face with its welcoming outstretched petals! Whether it is the ones with the soft white petals and a yellow thumb print center or those with a splash of vibrant color, they all speak to me as if to say, “Hello there! Look! Pick me!” These are details of God’s hand of creation for all who will seize the moment to pay attention to this beauty of sheer enjoyment. God is in the details, as should our worship to Him also be; to draw into His presence as we walk the road on which He has placed us, looking for the “daisies”; learning from the details. As each one is gathered it leads us closer to where the Creator awaits. It is truly at that moment of understanding His awesomeness that every part of our being shouts, “Hello God, my Savior! I adore You! Pick me!”…
This week began another part of the Briley FAITH journey. Through much prayer Josh, Crystal and I know God has led us to write a book about this journey of faith. It will be about His faithfulness and what happens when we follow His commands. The beginning stage includes gathering information through interviews with some of many individuals who were on the journey with us. While preparing the questions that would be asked during the interviewing process, my mind had to take a walk back down the road already traveled. It was then I began noticing and picking “daisies”, the details, along the side of this hard traveled road. They seemed enhanced; maybe more recognizable because the fog was gone… many questions answered. Here are a few that I picked.
Many cards of concern hung as a blanket of love surrounding Briley FAITH and those who entered the room. Minnie Mouse became a quiet “It’s going to be okay”. That gift came all the way from Disneyland delivered to Briley by one of her nurses who was thinking about her while on vacation. Thoughtful details.
For mommy/daughter day there were several who helped transform the hospital room into the enchanting land of “Getaway”. A new friend named Katie included many details within this transformation. God sent her. He is in the details.
Still traveling that road again one daisy after another pops up! Hugs, smiles, visits of encouragement, phone calls, a beautiful Thanksgiving meal brought to the hospital for the family, pictures, videos, colorful drawings from big brother, Jude, many cups of coffee, a hand shake passing on a twenty dollar bill or more, handwritten notes, and of course many prayers from our prayer warriors. I slow down, smile and add each one to my bouquet! With “daisies” in hand walking that road has prepared me for the next…
It is now time to start interviewing. I expected tears but what I didn’t expect were details that were new to me. How did I miss them? Was I walking too fast? Did I turn my back? There were more daisies to pick! It has made me realize if I focus on the details I will have a fuller, more beautiful bouquet.
Thinking about the details of our journey with Briley FAITH has me looking at my life as God’s child…
There is another road that is lined with “daisies”. It is the road of worship; detailed with adoration to our Lord and Savior. On this road I have allowed many distractions to cut me off, to travel too fast and ignore the rest stops. By doing so, there is no sweet smelling aroma to my bouquet that my Heavenly Father so desires because the daisies are few. But, God’s grace allows me to keep walking. I now try my best to not only pray but listen for His voice! I don’t want to just sing praise songs or hymns; I want to taste the words I sing! I don’t want to just smile at a neighbor; I want to tell them why I smile! I don't want to know God from just reading but from being. I want all the details! I want a full bouquet of daisies!
If we knew our life was short, would we pay more attention to the details? Briley FAITH’s life was for only 61 days and there were more daisies gathered during that time than many of us ever will. Her bouquet was nothing but petals of purpose, a fragrance of faith and details of His deity.
At the end of my journey I don’t want to have left one daisy behind or detail unfinished. For when I take notice of God’s hand and add daisies to other's bouquets with details of His love, I have fulfilled His purpose for me and fully experienced true worship. “Hello God, my Savior! I adore You! Pick me!”
Heavenly Father,
As I look out my window I see so many details in Your creation; down to the impressions on the leaves and the bark on the trees each having its own shape! I pray others see Your “thumb print”, Your indention on my life as I am continually being shaped to Your will.
Thank You for using Briley FAITH to slow me down, breathe in Your promises and embrace Your purpose for my life.
I pray I find all the “daisies” You have for me! In this world full of distractions please give me the strength and endurance to push through the crowd into Your presence.
I pray I find all the “daisies” You have for me! In this world full of distractions please give me the strength and endurance to push through the crowd into Your presence.
Through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I come. AMEN!
If you would like to know Jesus Christ, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at kfogarty02@gmail.com and I will be glad to share the story. It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.