Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Seven.  Throughout scripture the number seven represents completeness, achievement, perfection.  Briley FAITH lived sixty-one days; six plus one equals seven.  There were other events and occurrences during her life where the number seven was ever so present.  Once again, today the number seven is significant; seven years since my granddaughter, Briley FAITH went to her heavenly home.  I reflect on those precious, life changing sixty-one days and see perfection through God’s little missionary; His perfect will, His perfect plan.  Seven.

Then, I glance ahead to our tomorrows; this seventh year December 11, 2019-December 11, 2020.  As I have already shared with some, the year 2020 reminds me of perfect, clear vision.  This seventh year of our loss of Briley FAITH is for our reflections of His faithfulness to lead us in seeking God’s perfection for a 20/20 vision.

I want to be more like Jesus.  I want to surrender my life as Briley FAITH did.  I want to really, truly make sacrifices.  I want my eyes to speak and my life to tell the story of Jesus and His love, grace and faithfulness as hers did; without one word.  The world tells me I should try to be a “10”, but I WANT TO BE A SEVEN seeking God’s perfection giving me a 20/20 vision in the year to come.  Although I will only see what God wants me to see, it’s my faithfulness to Him and trusting His direction that will, in His time, unveil the plan He has for me.  But, I must not wait on the unveiling for it is my steps forward in blind trust to Him that will bring sight; 2020 vision.