Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Seven.  Throughout scripture the number seven represents completeness, achievement, perfection.  Briley FAITH lived sixty-one days; six plus one equals seven.  There were other events and occurrences during her life where the number seven was ever so present.  Once again, today the number seven is significant; seven years since my granddaughter, Briley FAITH went to her heavenly home.  I reflect on those precious, life changing sixty-one days and see perfection through God’s little missionary; His perfect will, His perfect plan.  Seven.

Then, I glance ahead to our tomorrows; this seventh year December 11, 2019-December 11, 2020.  As I have already shared with some, the year 2020 reminds me of perfect, clear vision.  This seventh year of our loss of Briley FAITH is for our reflections of His faithfulness to lead us in seeking God’s perfection for a 20/20 vision.

I want to be more like Jesus.  I want to surrender my life as Briley FAITH did.  I want to really, truly make sacrifices.  I want my eyes to speak and my life to tell the story of Jesus and His love, grace and faithfulness as hers did; without one word.  The world tells me I should try to be a “10”, but I WANT TO BE A SEVEN seeking God’s perfection giving me a 20/20 vision in the year to come.  Although I will only see what God wants me to see, it’s my faithfulness to Him and trusting His direction that will, in His time, unveil the plan He has for me.  But, I must not wait on the unveiling for it is my steps forward in blind trust to Him that will bring sight; 2020 vision. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Oh my precious Briley FAITH, my angel eyes, God's little missionary... did you know?

DID YOU KNOW that the night before you were born that me/Granna, along with your mommy, daddy and big brother, Jude, PawPaw, Boompa, Mimi, Pops, Idgie, Aunt Krissy,  Aunt Shanda and so many others were excitedly waiting for your arrival and praying for a safe delivery for you and mommy, that you would be healthy and all would be well?

DID YOU KNOW that after given the complications you had, that we were in the waiting room with others, in a circle holding hands in prayer knowing God would hear?  Did you hear your mommy’s and daddy’s cries for help to the One from which help comes from?  Did you hear not only their prayers but also see their steadfast faith?

DID YOU KNOW that I was awakened between 3am and 4am starting the night before you were born that lasted seven days?  The first day I prayed for a good delivery and all would be well.  The day after you were born, up to the seventh day I prayed for healing.  Did you know the seventh morning I was awakened I could not go back to sleep because God pressed upon me to not only pray for your healing but to really learn about His healing power?  DID YOU KNOW?  So, I did.  Day after day He was teaching and I was learning.

And DID YOU KNOW that me learning about God’s healing power would lead to me writing a blog called Briley’s Daily Dose?  It was mainly for my healing--- oh how I hurt so bad!  Each time I wrote I felt the pain, but at the same time there was a peaceful cleansing.

DID YOU KNOW as of today, the Briley’s Daily Dose blog has reached 100 COUNTRIES?  My sweet darlin’, the blog is now being read in country #100, The Islands of BERMUDA!  Who would have ever known?  DID YOU KNOW?  Only God, baby girl, only God.  But, DID YOU KNOW?

DID YOU KNOW that simple blog led to a book about God’s faithfulness and what He can do with our trials if we give them to Him?  I never would have imagined I would be an author of a book about the life and loss of my granddaughter.  It’s called God’s Got This.  You were our “this”.  But, even though our struggle initially was dealing with knowing your situation and that you would be leaving us soon, it also uncovered other things in our lives that would be a “this”.  Wow, God used you to show us all so much!

DID YOU KNOW each time a tear was cried?  Not because of sadness, but because God used you to also give them hope and a cleansing of the soul?  Or, those rejoicing because of your life, they found a new life in Jesus?  

What about each time mommy, daddy, brothers Jude and Reid, sister Abbott, relatives, friends and even strangers share your life story--- Do you know each time a heart stops hurting or a tear stops flowing because of learning of God’s grace you shared through your sacrifice, your faithfulness to your calling?

Oh God’s little missionary, my Briley FAITH, I long to be just like you.

I can’t help but think you did know.  We for sure know God knew He could count on you to fulfill His purpose for you.  Your purpose did not end when you went to your heavenly home on December 11, 2012; it continues today in 100 COUNTRIES ALL OVER THE WORLD!  I love and miss you real big my darlin' Briley FAITH and I'm still so inspired by your surrender to God and calling.

As your PawPaw shares…

Milestones are the “selah” of life; to pause and thank God for His goodness and to where He’s brought us.

Since that night before your birth on 10/10/2012 of waking up between 3am and 4am:

*6 years, 10 months, 8 days have passed.
*God’s Word has entered 100 countries through the blog; some of these were countries where no Christian literature is allowed.
*103,027 have been reading the blog while we are praying many souls are changed from hearing God’s word through Briley’s life.
*GOD’S GOT THIS! book released December 2018.

Milestones are not “things”.  Milestones are God taking those “things” and using them to help others find Jesus, the Cornerstone.