Friday, August 12, 2016


I want to thank you all who have followed and read this blog I started in 2012 about my granddaughter, Briley FAITH.  Her name was perfectly selected because it definitely has been a journey of FAITH!  We are now in 84 countries spreading hope to all!

This is a not the normal blog but a request from me to you.  The month of August is SMA Awareness Month.  SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) is the disease that took the life of my granddaughter.  In memory of Briley Faith and others who have suffered with the terrible disease, will you please join us in a candle lighting ceremony around the world?  It will be tomorrow, Saturday, August 12, 2016 at 8pm CST.  If you are in another country and your days are different please feel free to have your candle lighting anytime this month.  PLEASE tag us on your picture at #FAITHforacure.

Thank you so much and may God keep you strong and may you feel the peace that only He can give.

